Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Performance, security & more


We have been working hard to further improve the performance and security of Xcellery. We minimized the data exchanged between client and server as much as we could. Further to improve the browser-editor perfromance we started creating the worksheet on the server side.
Regarding security, we installed SSL which now let's you use Xcellery via SSL. A workbook opened in Excel fully comunictes via SSL. Try it out @ https://www.xcellery.com. We are still debating which parts to automatically switch to https and which ones not. Some sites only use SSL during login but we might fully switch to https during and after the login. Any feedback and preference would be appreciated here.

Another big part of our last months work was the integration into this business platform I was mentioning earlier. I will tell you the name as soon as we have gone live which should happen hopefully by the end of this month.

We get a lot of requests for additional Excel format support on Xcellery (e.g. named ranges, conditional formatting, lists, grid lines, etc...). Since this is our core compentence we will make sure to give this enough attention over the next few months. We will add such extensions in the Excel client only and haven't planned to extend the browser-editor much in the near future. Xcellery extends Microsoft Excel and that's where we want to be the best!
