Monday, May 22, 2006

Xcellery handles real world spreadsheets.

A friends company is interested in using Xcellery for their sales team. For test purposes we got one of their workbook's which contains several worksheets and makes strong use of cell merges. Out of curiosity I imported the workbook into all the well known online spreadsheets. None of them was able to handle it. Many already failed during import or became very slow while editing.
Using Xcellery we created a new workbook and opened it using "Edit in Excel". Then we simply copy/pasted sheet by sheet from one Excel file to the other. Everything worked smooth. This test showed that browser-based-only spreadsheets aren't ready for the real world yet. Xcellery using Excel on the other hand is.

Stay tuned, Xcellery import is coming soon.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Try Xcellery using Demo User

It's been 2 weeks since we succesfully launched The website has been working very smooth and stable. Many people registered with Xcellery and gave us some really good and constructive feedback. We really appreciate that and do everything possible to enhance and build Xcellery the way you would like to have it.

The main purpose of this release was to improve the site so that guest users can better explore Xcellery. We added a Demo User sign in which let's you try the web site without having to register first. Further it wasn't very obvious to many people that Xcellery is actually very different to other online spreadsheet in providing the "Edit in Excel" functionality. We introduced a "New" icon at places where we want to get more user attention. Last but not least we enhanced and fixed few little things in different areas of the web site and Excel spreadsheet.

In the next 2 weeks we will work on an upload feature which lets you import existing Microsoft® Excel and Open Office Calc files into Xcellery. This will make it very easy to get started with Xcellery.

Thanks for using and stay tuned to hear more exiting news coming soon.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Xcellery goes live!

Collaborall is proud to go live with a revolutionary new online spreadsheet service called Xcellery.

Xcellery lets you share and edit spreadsheets online in your Microsoft® Excel or in our browser - based Xcellery editor. Either way, Xcellery automatically consolidates changes from your collaborators for you. Never lose track over who changed what. We track every change. At any time, you can revert back to a previous revision.

Go and check it out.